EST. 2006

Los Angeles County Sherrif's Department
Deputy Explorer Program
Become a
Deputy Explorer
with the
Los Angeles County
Sheriff's Department
Deputy Explorers
Information About Explorers:
Deputy Explorers are youth volunteers who assist Deputy Sheriff's by performing nonhazardous duties such as report writing, public fingerprinting, anti-crime campaigns, search missions, statistical computations and crowd assistance at parades and civil events. Explorers must meet the following minimum standards:
-Be of good moral character
-Be between the ages of 14 and 21 years old
-Maintain at least a "C" average in school
-Not have any serious arrests on record
For further details, contact Carson Station.
(Click Here)

About Us
The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department is the largest in the nation, and serves a community as diverse as any other in the world. It offers some of the most exciting careers you could imagine.
Want a closer look?
If you are between the ages of 14 and 20, and you have an interest in learning more about law enforcement, consider joining the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy Explorer Program. It's primary purpose is to provide young men and women education and hands-on experience. You'll be providing vital support to the Sheriff's Department, to your family and community, and may even earn high school credits along the way.
To qualify for the position of Deputy Explorer, you must be mature, have at least a "C" average in high school, be between 14 and 21 years of age, and be of good moral character without any serious arrest record. Deputy Explorers must undergo a background check and pass an oral interview. Deputy Explorers are covered by insurance for all Explorer-related activities.
Deputy Explorers assist regular Deputy Sheriff's with basic duties including crowd management, assistance in parades, public safety events, and assisting at the front counter at a station. Explorers participate in ride-a-longs, field trips, and have the opportunity to attend different tactical competitions with Explorers from all over the United States.
Once accepted by a station Explorer post, initial training for new Deputy Explorers takes place at one of four Sheriff's Explorer Academies: Whittier, Valencia, Antelope Valley, and South Los Angeles. The Explorer academy is held every Saturday for 18 weeks, and full participation is mandatory.
The academy includes lectures, demonstrations, presentations, weekly tests, physical training, defensive tactics, teamwork and leadership development exercises.
Graduates will participate in a graduation ceremony, receive a certificate of completion, and will earn the title: Deputy Explorer.